About the Foundation

About the Foundation

The Charitable Remainder Trust became the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation in 1998. Under the direction of Sue Van, its CEO & President, the Foundation continues Mr. Coulter’s practice of providing risk capital for innovative initiatives through its’ grants. The Foundation provides leading scientific and medical societies the resources to develop distinctive educational programs designed to improve the quality of care in resource-limited areas. Its’ university-based translational research grant programs establish a business-like process to accelerate academic innovations to the marketplace. The Foundation also supports Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) organizations, establishing one cohesive community, promoting collaboration and partnerships.

Guiding Principal

Guiding Principal

Every grant from the Foundation is designed to pay tribute to its benefactor, Wallace Coulter. 



Transformative Philanthropy

Transformative Philanthropy

The Foundation provides risk capital through customized, long-term, strategic grants that enable its partners to be innovative and entrepreneurial achieving maximum impact. 

Our Team

Our Team

Proven veterans of industry applying business processes and expertise to enhance the achievements of our partners.